ETH Zurich, Institute for Theoretical Studies
Email: oliver.edtmair at
I am a Junior Fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Studies at ETH Zurich mentored by Paul Biran. Before that I was a graduate student at UC Berkeley advised by Michael Hutchings.
My research is in symplectic geometry and dynamics.
On closed characteristics of minimal action on a convex three-sphere
(with A. Abbondandolo and J. Kang)
(arXiv, video)
Symplectic capacities of domains close to the ball and Banach-Mazur geodesics in the space of contact forms
(with A. Abbondandolo and G. Benedetti)
to appear in Duke Math. J. (arXiv, video)
Legendrian embedded contact homology
(with J. Chaidez, L. Wang, Y. Yao and Z. Zhao)
An elementary alternative to PFH spectral invariants
to appear in J. Symplectic Geom. (arXiv)
Disk-like surfaces of section and symplectic capacities
Geom. Funct. Anal. 34, 1399-1459 (2024) (journal, arXiv, video)
The Ruelle invariant and convexity in higher dimensions
(with J. Chaidez)
to appear in J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) (arXiv)
PFH spectral invariants and C-infinity closing lemmas
(with M. Hutchings)
(arXiv, video)
3D convex contact forms and the Ruelle invariant
(with J. Chaidez)
Invent. Math. 229, 243-301 (2022) (journal, arXiv, video)